Very Present Help

Psalm 46:1 GOD is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 

He is our very present help in times of trouble.  We’re in trouble right now. Luke can’t breathe. I watch him struggle and strain, with shallow, tight breaths.  I watch him run out of breath mid-sentence, be unable to roughhouse with our boys, get quiet and withdrawn with suffering. 

I pray for him, I lay my hands on him and ask Jesus to touch him, I tell him how proud I am of the oh-so brave man he is. I post scriptures around the house about God’s ability and willingness to heal; about GOD’s history of healing and desire to heal. I do all that I can but we are still in trouble. 

This is the kind of trouble that you can’t reason away, buy your way out of, or call your doctor to fix, because, in this case, we seem to have come nearly to the end of what medical science can offer us. We could get angry, we could get bitter, we could fall into despair, we could blame GOD. Instead, we run to Him as our only hope in this trouble.  We are drowning but just as the water covers our airways we realize that He is the living water around us and we breathe him in.

I have been here before with my own breathing struggles but watching my Luke endure such suffering is brutal on my heart, in such a different way. It is salty tears mingled with desperation for his healing and pride at his courage and worry for our future and anxiety about if and when and how.  But then I raise my voice or my hands in supplication and down rains peace and joy and triumph even in suffering.

You see, with all my heart and life, I am convinced that I serve the Living and Victorious One, the one who overcame sin and death (including all sickness). So just as overwhelming uncertainty crashes down, in comes peace and assurance that “He’s got the whole world in His hands, He’s got the whole world in His hands, He’s got the whole world in His hands…He’s got Luke’s lungs in His hands.”  A very present help. He has us engraved on His palms. He has not forgotten our crisis for a moment and He is going to work in this situation mightily and everyone watching will witness a miracle. I believe it.

I love that the verse says “VERY present help”. He’s not just saying, ‘I’m here to help” but he’s yelling, “I’M HERE TO HELP!!!!”. He’s also offering a covering or refuge for the duration of the onslaught and His strength throughout. While it is true that we are in deep trouble and Luke is suffering and I am hurting, what is just as true is that Jesus is a “very present help”, right here, right now.  When I think about that truth, I am no longer bothered about “if and when and how” because i know WHO and WHERE; Jesus here, very ready to help.    

By: Julianne Adan

6 thoughts on “Very Present Help

  1. Oh Julianne, Your words of Luke’s condition brought tears to my eyes. I’m praying for you both as you cling to Jesus. I ask the Father that he continues to comfort you with the Holy Spirit. Your faith in this difficult time strengthens me. Love to you both,
    Valerie Dearborn From our small six week group last spring.


    1. Valerie! It’s Julianne. Forgive me for JUST seeing your message. It is precious to us both. We both ADORED that small group and wish we could have continued together. I hope with all of my heart that you are well & thriving. Thank you for reaching out! Hugs, Julianne


  2. Oh dear Father God, come to the aide of Luke, touch him and heal him. Embrace him and Juliene and the family to comfort them during this time of struggle. We trust in You! With You, anything and everything is possible. Please come and heal dear Luke. Thank you, Jesus.


  3. Dear Julianne,
    Erin shared your post – so stunned to hear of your and Luke’s current battle and yet, through the anguish and fear, your faith brilliantly shines through. Living through this with through… . you both know the Truth and the Son of Man who travailed for us and now with us. You belong to Him . He gives us the breathe of life and I am praying for the Holy Spirit to breathe on you both.. to fully embody every cell and system in your fearfully and wonderfully made body and to live out the miracle of deliverance and to live life as promised in John 10:9 “ I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” Standing with you and praying for us all to “ Be still “ and to see the miraculous redemption of the Lord! Amen! Love, Maija


    1. Dearest Maija! I JUST saw this message. So sorry to take months to respond but what a joy to read it tonight. God knows. We continue to wait on Him and I pray that we wait well. Thank you for your beautiful support and faith on our behalf. I have watched you worship your way through incredibly difficult times and I take heart in your victory in Jesus. We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. I love you, sweet Sister.


  4. Thank you for sharing The Word. You are a blessing. Go forth and sew, reap as your barns are filled and your cats so full they spill over and provide others to partake in your blessings; we pray in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen


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